Kiminkii is a team of IT-specialists who focus on developing and delivering complex and creative solutions to demanding customers. It is an internationally operating company with a strong academic foundation. This background allows Kiminkii to master complex problems with elegant and creative solutions.

An important focus of Kiminkii is Business Intelligence (BI): providing professionals in an organisation with the right information of the right level of abstraction. Managers require the summarized, yet accurate overviews provided by organisation dashboards or multi-dimensional OLAP tools, whereas technical experts benefit from detailed and domain-specific knowledge produced by Data Mining tools. Kiminkii offers both a collection of in-house tools for these tasks, as well as the expertise to integrate off-the-shelf tools into reliable solutions.

A large part of Kiminkii's activities are centered around the development of Safarii, a versatile and user-friendly Data Mining environment. Safarii's unique selling point is the wide support for a new branch of predictive analytics called Multi-Relational Data Mining. Unlike the majority of current Data Mining tools, Safarii is able to deal with relational databases containing multiple tables without the need for pre-processing. Because of this unique feature, richer and more challenging data sets can be analysed than with main-stream Data Mining tools. Because Safarii performs all operations 'in-database', it is the BI tool of choice in a datawarehousing environment.

New release: Safarii 2.0
